Friday, March 18, 2011

Radioactive cloud hitting west coast,, should we worry

You’ve seen the Headlines:

1.  Nuclear update Fukushima. Toyko Residents Flee as Nuclear Cloud Approaches.

2.  USS Reagan sailed by a radioactive cloud exposing members on deck to a month's worth of radiation in an hour

3.  A radioactive cloud from Japan Headed for United States

4.  The radioactive cloud from Japan has reached the west coast of the United States

Cause for alarm or concern?

The interim director of the California Department of Public Health, Dr. Howard Backer, and acting secretary of the California Emergency Management Agency, Mike Dayton, issued the following statement emphasizing Californians’ safety from radiation exposure.

“The safety of all Californians is our highest priority, and we are in constant contact with the federal agencies responsible for monitoring radiation levels across the West Coast.

We want to emphasize that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services have all stated that there is no risk expected to California or its residents as a result of the situation in Japan.

Can you believe them?  Personally, no risk expected, while we are talking about low levels of radiation does not give me a warm fuzzy feeling all over.  Instead it gives me that queasy and uneasy Agent Orange, Gulf War Syndrome and No Weapons of Mass Destruction we are about to be screwed again feeling.

When a nuclear explosion occurs gamma, beta and alpha radiation is the result.  Gamma passes through you, beta is stopped by aluminum, alpha is stopped by paper.  When you have a nuclear explosion and/or fire it’s the alpha particles that are attached to the debris that become airborne.  These particles unlike gamma that pass through you stay in your body if injested.  I don’t want my children or grandchildren feeling the effects of this thirty years down the road.

So what can we do about it and is it worth it?

The answer is simple while this cloud is hitting the west coast this weekend give yourself some added protection by staying indoors if at all possible.  If you must work outside or be outside wear a protective mask and you’ll be adding a layer of protection for you and your children that is well worth the weekend inconvience.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Change of heart or politics as usual

     Democratic Senator Steven Horsford follows the Democratic playbook.  He tells middle class America he is for them and receives their backing.  He enjoys a year meeting privately with corporate America behind his constituents back.  He then takes pleasure in the perks corporate America lavishly spread upon him for his votes on the floor.  Now he can sit back, say he was for it before he was against it and screw middle class America!
     It’s not all his fault though he was following the path of the great leader of change President Obama.  “Change you can believe” is what Obama touted as he gained middle class America’s support and rode our backs to the Presidency.  Then elected Obama signs the bill extending the Bush era tax cuts for the rich that he was against when he was running for the highest office in America.
     Sen. Horsford falls in line, no longer wanting to impose corporate income taxes in Nevada.  He now shifts the focus from taxing rich corporate America to wanting to tax the service industries.  Service industries are house cleaners, landscapers, repairman and your pool guy who are mostly small business owners.  These middle class American owned businesses are struggling to keep their business afloat as they are attacked over and over again.
     Banks get bailouts, small business owners get the shaft and corporate owned policians lavishly enjoy the taste of the corporate lemonade behind closed doors.     
     Add Sen. Horsford to the list of politicians that would put a dagger to the torso of middle class American business owners before he would impose taxes on rich corporate America. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Walker considers planting troublemakers

     Governor Scott Walker considered planting troublemakers in the crowds of Madison, Wisconsin.  It's real, it's true and he said it.  I don't care how you slice it, for an elected official to consider sending troublemakers into crowds that are made up of Union and Tea Party members shows a criminal win at all costs tendency that can not be ignored.  Just because he didn't actually go through with the planting of troublemakers or that this was brought out by having an underhanded prank pulled on him by the Buffalo Beast is of no consequence. 
     Union and Tea Party members have assembled peacefully and children in the crowds are getting a first look at American Democracy up close.  Meanwhile this idiot considers putting troublemakers into the crowds.  To rev up the controversy, agitate it and stir it up good.  You know what happens then America?  Americans get hurt.
     There is only one answer for him or any elected official that would consider putting Americans in harms way.  Show them the door.  This is not Jack Bauers fictional 24 series.  A place where there always seems to be an acceptable amount of collateral damage that elected officials will tolerate. 
     The governor of Wisconsin considered amping up the controversy.   Showing that it is in his makeup to put Americans in harms way if it serves his cause.   Individuals of Scott Walkers caliber will carry out underhanded tactics when they feel they can get away with them. 
     America we don't need these types of politicians running our country.  We need politicians with the moral courage to do whats right for America.  Scott Walker should be denounced by all elected officials.  We know the Democrats will but will the Republicans denounce him?   Non partisan Americans wait for the answer as we denounce him..

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Outsourcing US Jobs

Ford credit closing local office

     In India or some other country a big sigh of relief was felt when the Ford Motor Credit company announced the closing of their Henderson, Nevada office.  That’s the real headline! 
     This community is again smacked in the face as two-hundred more of our family, friends and neighbors will now take their place in the unemployment line.  The response of the Nevada Development Authority is that the layoffs could benefit other companies in Las Vegas. 
     What?  Are you kidding me?  Tell that to the five-hundred that have already lost their jobs in Henderson at Ford Motor Credit since 2009.  How many of them are still on the unemployment line or worse have now used up all their benefits before they could regain employment?
     December 2010 New Dehli (Dow Jones) The pace in car sales growth has picked up this financial year in India, helped mainly by rising incomes for the country's estimated 300 million middle class. 
     You’d think the blaring problem that call centers that service America continue to be outsourced to other countries might have been something the Nevada Development Authority might have been inclined to mention.  But no, in Nevada this is now the administration of Governor Sunny where you always look at the bright side and ignore the dark side of what ails us hoping it will go away. 
     Bottom line Ford will probably end up outsourcing their call center in another country as a lot of American corporations are doing these days to protect the profit line of their stockholders and CEO’s.  Meanwhile, American workers are losing their jobs.
     So, don’t be surprised, when the next time you call Ford with a customer concern or billing complaint, that you’ll now be talking to someone that doesn’t understand what your saying due to their lack of knowledge of the language you speak, English.  How about corporations that do business in the US being required to have their call centers positioned by English speaking Americans instead of allowing them to outsource our legitimate claim to that work.  That, Nevada Development Authority, is something that Americans could get behind, you know, a positive solution that fixes a problem, not a sunny suggestion.
     But don’t worry, like the Sunny state government of Nevada, I can also look at the bright side of things.  I know that if I call to pay a bill that an American will answer because that part of their call center is important to corporate America!   Funny how that works isn’t it, take notice!    

Friday, January 14, 2011

Education Cuts

Letter to Nevada Governor Sandoval

Education Cuts

     Really?  Is that what our new Governor is proposing?  Reducing our public school spending which is currently ranked forty-sixth in the nation, one that has our students ranked last in chances for success! 
     Then play “chicken little” not recommending teacher salary cuts, instead opting to have the trustees and Board of Regents do the crossing of that proverbial street while he stands in the shadows.  Wow, new leader and new hope for a better Nevada.  Squashed within the first month!   
     You see Governor, what we have is a failure to communicate.  The people of Nevada want a balanced budget, oh yes we do.  However, it needs to be done smartly and no one gets any smarter cutting education. 
     Governor, what Nevadans would really like to see is a steady trend upward in the national education rankings producing new opportunities and new jobs in Nevada.  Do this and do it right Governor and you will lead Nevada into the future with its head held high.  Fail and you’ll continue the path of futility that has the Nevada economy, its future and our educational system in ruins. 

 Fred Taylor

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Partisan politics

     Zealous and militant politics that cater to one political party or another is slowly bleeding this country of its ability to make smart decisions for the majority.  Democrat or Republican, Congressman or Senator it just doesn’t matter.  Partisan politics is the agenda of Washington and the running of the government unfortunately comes in second.  Polarizing the American people Republicans and Democrats use partisan politics to herd us into their voting blocks, counting the numbers and watching the poles. 
     Meanwhile, corporate lobbyists on both sides sit back and drool as the numbers go up for their favorite flavored politician, who they just can’t wait to fatten up.  Lobbyists that gain favor for their corporations on the left, lobbyists that gain favor for their corporations on the right.  This is not government by the people, for the people.  This is government by corporations, for corporations, profits and record CEO salaries.  Is it no wonder that the net worth of the senate (nicknamed the millionaires club) jumped by $680 million dollars last year!
     The American people struggle with job loss, business failure, unemployment, foreclosure, bankruptcy and much more.  Meanwhile, our congressional leaders have given over $700 billion dollars in bailouts to corporations and extended tax cuts for two years, for the wealthiest of Americans.   Telling us this is good for middle America!  Really? if our goverment can find the money to toss around to corporations, we would also like our share, $2,000 per American citizen would amount to roughly $700 billion dollars and on the tax cuts if someone is profiting over 1 million dollars, good for them, however, they don’t need a tax break. 
     Its time we get back to government by the people, for the people and away from partisan politics that serve first and foremost Corporate America and only considers middle class American issues as an after thought.  My vote will no longer be a part of any block that politicians can use to serve they’re corporate interests.  I’m taking the first step.  I’m proudly changing my party registration block to Nonpartison.