Friday, March 18, 2011

Radioactive cloud hitting west coast,, should we worry

You’ve seen the Headlines:

1.  Nuclear update Fukushima. Toyko Residents Flee as Nuclear Cloud Approaches.

2.  USS Reagan sailed by a radioactive cloud exposing members on deck to a month's worth of radiation in an hour

3.  A radioactive cloud from Japan Headed for United States

4.  The radioactive cloud from Japan has reached the west coast of the United States

Cause for alarm or concern?

The interim director of the California Department of Public Health, Dr. Howard Backer, and acting secretary of the California Emergency Management Agency, Mike Dayton, issued the following statement emphasizing Californians’ safety from radiation exposure.

“The safety of all Californians is our highest priority, and we are in constant contact with the federal agencies responsible for monitoring radiation levels across the West Coast.

We want to emphasize that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services have all stated that there is no risk expected to California or its residents as a result of the situation in Japan.

Can you believe them?  Personally, no risk expected, while we are talking about low levels of radiation does not give me a warm fuzzy feeling all over.  Instead it gives me that queasy and uneasy Agent Orange, Gulf War Syndrome and No Weapons of Mass Destruction we are about to be screwed again feeling.

When a nuclear explosion occurs gamma, beta and alpha radiation is the result.  Gamma passes through you, beta is stopped by aluminum, alpha is stopped by paper.  When you have a nuclear explosion and/or fire it’s the alpha particles that are attached to the debris that become airborne.  These particles unlike gamma that pass through you stay in your body if injested.  I don’t want my children or grandchildren feeling the effects of this thirty years down the road.

So what can we do about it and is it worth it?

The answer is simple while this cloud is hitting the west coast this weekend give yourself some added protection by staying indoors if at all possible.  If you must work outside or be outside wear a protective mask and you’ll be adding a layer of protection for you and your children that is well worth the weekend inconvience.

1 comment:

  1. Sound advice Fred. There is a lot of money in "nothing to worry about..."
